Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hay feeders

As I said in the previous post, I made the hay feeders out of the scrap I had from cutting the door out.  Since all the hay feeders were full when I took pics of them, they are hard to see.  Anyways, when I had first made them I attached them inside the cage and later though "why the heck did I do that!", I could have put them on the outside and saved myself from opening every cage to give them hay and they were also taking up space inside the cage, so I removed the ones I had put inside the cages and put them on the outside.  They are about 8 inches tall and 6 inches wide and I cut them so that there were 2 inch pieces of wire on each side, I used the bottom pieces that stuck out about an inch from the bottom and bent them so they were attached to the cage (the bottom of the hay feeder is about an inch or two from the bottom of the cage) and then bent the first 3 pieces of wire on each side so they were attached to the cage and left the others unattached but bent in so it would hold the hay but not poke through the cage.  You'll understand better when I get some pics of them without hay in them.

Here is a view of the hay feeder from the front, I had some leftover pieces of door guards after putting them on all the doors and I used the leftover pieces to put on top of the hay feeder so there wasn't any sharp points to grab me.  

Here's a view of the hay feeder from the side, because it's not attached to the cage at the top, I can pull it back and put more hay in it than you would think.  The rabbits pull the hay in through the wire and you save a lot more hay this way.  In the beginning I would just put it in the cages with them and most of it would end up falling through the floor of the cage or get spread around the cage and a lot of hay ended up being wasted this way.  It's been great having the hay feeders, I can just grab handfuls of hay and pop them in the feeders and they are good to go.  I'm sure I will be making more hay feeders in the future, so when I do I will take pictures of how I actually make them (it's easier to understand through pictures) and how I attach them, you just need some pliers!

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