Monday, April 25, 2011


Introducing "Zurina", one of my does - pictured the day after we picked them up from their breeder.  She is a laid back girl who probably makes the most noise out of all the rabbits.  She is always making honking and oinking sounds, it's quite entertaining to listen to.  Her first litter she produced 9 kits, 3 of them died young but with a first time mom with a very large litter, that is bound to happen.  We later lost 4 more due to the cats (like I said in the previous post, I will go into detail about that in a future post).  Two of them survived, they turned out to be a buck and a doe and I kept the doe, she is now 6 months old who I named Zahra (also means 'white') and she is pregnant with her first litter.  Zurina's second litter she kindled 6 kits (one still born), the remaining 5 of them are doing great at just over 5 weeks old.  I have not weighed her since she has matured but I would guess she's around 11-12 pounds.

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