Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Introducing "Zahra", the first doe I kept from one of my own breedings.  She is from one of the Zurina x Bialy litter.  She was from a larger litter but we lost all but her and her brother due to feral cats terrorizing them.  Something I will post about in the future.  I kept her and she is now 6 months old and pregnant with her first litter.  She is due to kindle around May 10th.  She is a grouch of a girl, she rather just be left alone and keep to herself, doesn't care to be handled much but if she can produce good litters of kits she is free to stay here for quite some time :)  On the up side she's a pretty relaxed girl, she doesn't chew on and destroy things (her mother demolished a plastic feeder very quickly and is trying to destroy her metal feeder too) and other than occasionally pawing in her feeder and wasting some of the pellets, she doesn't get herself into any trouble :)   I am guessing she will put on another pound as she matures a bit more, she's probably around 10+ pounds now but I have not weighed her in quite some time.

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